Running a business in South
Africa can be fraught with challenges. One of the biggest challenges facing any
business, no matter where they may be, is company security. Today’s businesses
have to contend with outside elements such as stealing and damaging of property,
and in some cases they have to deal with employees trying to take advantage of
the business from the inside.
The two main ways to keep your business secure is to restrict access to specific
areas and prevent loss due to theft. Restricting employee access is one way to
prevent electronic and physical theft. By implementing a password system, access
to certain programs may be restricted, such as payroll, so employees cannot
change wages. By using a passkey, it’s possible to keep specific areas of the
company off limits, thereby preventing loss by employee theft.
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Employees are only part of the equation. Research shows that outside threats are
the most costly to handle on average. The most basic of business security
options is fencing. Perimeter fences can help deter some criminals, but the more
determined will find their way over or through a fence quite easily. Fences
which feature barbed or razor wire strung along the top make a bolder statement,
and offer the would-be thief something else to consider before sitting astride
the top of the fence. In some instances, fences may be electrified, which can
further make your business a less attractive target.
A camera system can be the best friend of any business. They make a lot of
thieves just walk on by upon sight, and they can also help catch the ones who
try anyway. Camera systems are very cost effective, and are simple to get setup.
They can be set up to continuously monitor the premises, or hooked up to a
motion detection device so they only come on when an intruder is detected. Many
thefts in South Africa are solved thanks to video cameras.
Alarm systems are the backbone of most business security systems. Audible alarms
alert the intruder that they have been detected, as well as lets others know
there has been a break in. They are loud so as to scare the thief, in hopes he
will run away without taking anything. Silent alarms, on the other hand, are
meant to alert the authorities without making a calamity at the scene. Silent
systems are geared toward catching the criminals in the act before they escape
the scene.
As you can see, there are plenty of choices when securing your business. The
very best security plan will incorporate several of the above methods to keep
your business running for years to come.
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DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is the opinion of the
Author and should not be taken as advice.